Steinspring quantum error correction
Steinspring quantum error correction

steinspring quantum error correction

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steinspring quantum error correction

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steinspring quantum error correction

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#Steinspring quantum error correction code#

Finally, we prove that for two-dimensional systems if logical operators can be approximated by operators supported on constant-width flexible strings, then the dimension of the code space must be bounded.

steinspring quantum error correction

In a regime where the recovery is successful to accuracy $\delta$ that is exponentially small in $\ell$, which is the case for perturbations of local commuting projector codes, our bound reads $kd^\bigr)$ in operator norm. Our tradeoff bounds relate the number of physical qubits $n$, the number of encoded qubits $k$, the code distance $d$, the accuracy parameter $\delta$ that quantifies how well the erasure channel can be reversed, and the locality parameter $\ell$ that specifies the length scale at which the recovery operation can be done. We introduce a notion of local approximate correctability and code distance, and give a number of equivalent formulations thereof, generalizing various exact error-correction criteria. We study the fundamental limits on the reliable storage of quantum information in lattices of qubits by deriving tradeoff bounds for approximate quantum error correcting codes.

Steinspring quantum error correction